Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Web Cam Post

t-shirt: target, shorts: american eagle, belt: mom's

Haven't felt like using my camera/asking my sister to take my outfit pictures because she's a grump. But yeah, this is a lazy outfit for a hot ass day. Well, it's only 82, but still. 

This is my sweet Spidey/Venom shirt that I got in the little boy's department at Target a while back.

More shitty webcam shots.

And my face, which I is so cute, right? Can't get my hair under control. Fuck it, crazy curls it is.

Have a lovely day, people. xx 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mood Board 2

sources: shoes (Jeffrey Campbell and Dr. Martens), leggings and body suit (BlackMilk), floral headgear and necklaces (Flamingo Cupcake), girl in the outfit (Tavi//the Style Rookie).

Sorry I've Been Away

After a particularly busy last week at school, I'm finally home and in the midst of unpacking and organizing. So I haven't really been able to get around to dressing well, let alone posting about it.
It's been raining a lot as well. So anyway, here's a picture of my goofy face to hold you over.
I'll be posting another inspiration post soon, hopefully, and possibly, even sooner, an outfit post!
See you soon, lovelies <3